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Monday, 2 December 2013

Body Shopping

Body shopping, or temp placements, is typically the unstructured placement of staff at a client's site, meaning that the client has to treat them the same as their own employees, with all the hassles of training, attendance and performance management, and everything else. Outsourcing, on the other hand, provides the client with a proper support organization and management team behind the relationship. So it costs a bit more, but it's a lot less strain on a client's internal management resources. Our outsourcing proposition includes: giving our staff pre-training, guarantees of service continuity, no pay raises that affect the client, internal management and motivation plans, etc. So you can see that outsourcing is a much more professional and better thought out service. Because of this, while we accept smaller opportunities as well, usually we outsource a team of 5-10 people with its own internal manager.

Paying another company to provide services which a company might otherwise have employed its own staff to perform, e.g. software development.

Contracting with outside consultants, software houses or service bureaus to perform systems analysis, programming and datacenter operations. Contrast with insourcing.

The practice of a company hiring a different company to supplement its services at a lower cost. For example, a company may outsource its accounting to another firm, which would then prepare and provide appropriate statements for the company. 

The practice of a company hiring a different company to supplement its services at a lower cost. For example, a company may outsource its accounting to another firm, which would then prepare and provide appropriate statements for the company. Contracting with organizations outside your country for work that could otherwise be done by employees within your company.



Nidhi Jain [ MBA eComm]
Asst Project Manager [ eComm]
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